
Information related to well activity regulated by the AER as authorized by various acts of the Province of Alberta and the regulations under those acts. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. For information related to well applications, please see Applications. Petrinex has well lists and production information available to the public.

ST49: Daily Spud and Drilling Activity List

Frequency of Publication

List of well spud data reported the previous day.

Attributes: Well ID, Well Name, Licence, BA ID, Contractor Name, Rig Number, Activity Date, Field Centre, Licensee BA ID, Licensee, New projected total depth, Activity type

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Individual Products

Single file (year-to-date, files available for 1987-2003) PDF $10.00
Single file (year-to-date, files available for 2004 to current) TXT $10.00