Subsurface (Geology)

Information related to sub-surface geology and reserves in the province of Alberta. For more geological reports, digital data, and maps, please see the Alberta Geological Survey.

Oil and Gas Pool Reserves File

Frequency of Publication

All Alberta oil and gas files containing basic reservoir parameters and total reserves of significant crude oil pools and non-confidential gas pools. Used in tabulation of proven reserves of crude oil and to establish reserves of gas in ST98: Alberta Energy Outlook.

A layout document is available for the historical text file that details the record layout. The historical gas TXT format contains additional information that is not in the XLS version, such as gas analysis data.

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For historical files, specify oil or gas and year


All of Alberta, Oil and Gas annual files XLS free self-serve

Individual Products

Single annual file. All of Alberta, Oil or Gas (files available for 1978 to 2016) TXT $10.00