
Includes information related to compliance, licensees, reference, statistics, waste, and storage.

Land Development Information Package

Frequency of Publication
As requested

A map that displays AER-regulated pipelines, wells (surfacehole), incidents, facilities, coal mines and coal mine permits within a 2 km vicinity of the requester’s submitted land location. Additional lookup tables and relevant AER support documents accompany the map. This product is also known as an area setback plan (ASP).

The map includes the following:

  • Pipelines
  • Well Licenses
  • Incidents and Complaints
  • Facility List
  • Coal Mines
  • Coal Mine Permits

The lookup tables include the following:

  • Pipelines: licence number, line number, from and to location, status, substance and licensee
  • Wells: licence number, surface location, status and licensee
  • Facilities: reporting facility ID, licence number, licence type, status, sub-type, location and operator
  • Incidents: incident number, licence number, licence type, location and licensee
  • Coal Mines: coal mine number, status and owner
  • Coal Mine Permits: coal mine number, permit number, status and owner

The support document includes the following:

Request By

Specify the quarter-sections of the legal land description for area of interest (1/4 SEC-TWP-RGE-MER). Indicate whether additional quarter-sections should be on separate maps.

Individual Products

Quarter-section map, lookup data, and AER support package (includes the 2km buffer) PDF $50.00 package
Color print of PDF Colour Print $10.00
Each additional quarter section (up to 24 adjacent quarter-sections) PDF $10.00 per additional quarter section
Quarter-section map (includes 2km buffer), municipality, or other boundary, and AER support package Shapefile $50.00 package