
Information about facilities in Alberta. Facility types include battery, gas plant, meter station, as well as other facility types operating in the province. For information related to facility applications, please see Applications. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. Petrinex has facility lists and production information available to the public.

ST60B: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring and Venting Report

Frequency of Publication

ST60B 2016 is unavailable until further notice

This report provides a summary of flared and vented volumes for the various oil and gas industry sectors. It also reports in detail on solution gas conserved from oil and bitumen batteries. Tables show operators by rank based on solution gas flared, solution gas vented, total solution gas production, and total oil from crude oil and bitumen batteries. The operators are ranked provincially and by AER field centre area. The top 25 gas producers and top 25 companies venting solution gas are also listed.

Attributes: company, gas conserved, gas conservation change, gas flared + vented (1000 m^3^), gas flared + vented (rank), gas flared (1000 m^3^), gas flared (rank), gas vented (1000 m^3^), gas vented (rank), oil production, solution gas production, methane mass

Note: For similar information see option below for the monthly Conventional Volumetric Information report on the Petrinex Public Portal. It includes the current production year plus past four production years on a rolling window basis, and excludes waste plants and oil sands.

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Single Issue (one year, files available for 1999-2015) PDF $10.00