
Information related to well activity regulated by the AER as authorized by various acts of the Province of Alberta and the regulations under those acts. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. For information related to well applications, please see Applications. Petrinex has well lists and production information available to the public.

Mineable Oil Sands Well Data File

Frequency of Publication

Raw and interpreted drilling data for approximately 9100 non-confidential wells located within the Athabasca Oil Sands Surface Mineable Area. Information in this file includes the following:

  • well location
  • drill date
  • company
  • elevation
  • depth
  • formation tops
  • weight percent bitumen by interval (normally 0.3 m)
  • percentage of shale
  • porosity
  • water content
  • well confidence code

Product Reference Layout Document: This product includes detailed descriptions of the record layout and data mode. For complex files, the layout documentation also includes descriptions of the source data, limitations, editing during file creation, and maintenance. (For TXT format only.)

Product Sample. A sample file of the Mineable Oil Sands Well Data File

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Product Reference Layout Document and Sample File Zipped File Format free self-serve

Individual Products

Single Issue (annual, 1 issue) CSV $1,250.00