
Information related to well activity regulated by the AER as authorized by various acts of the Province of Alberta and the regulations under those acts. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. For information related to well applications, please see Applications. Petrinex has well lists and production information available to the public.

Packer Test Results Report

Frequency of Publication
As requested

Report showing the summary of the packer test results and details for each well licence test.

Attributes: Summary: Number of Licences Identified as Requiring Tests, Outstanding (includes Failed Test, Waiting for Repair), Total Number of Wells Tested, Passed Test, Failed Test and Repaired, Failed Test Waiting for Repair, Total Number of Exclusions Granted (Packer Test Requirements do not apply), Total Number of Extensions Granted, Number of Licensees Holding Licences; Details of All Reports: Licence Number, Current Licence Status, Surface Location, Licensee at Reporting, Due Year, Report Status (Open or Closed), Test Reason, Exclusion Reason, Test Date, Test Result, Failure Clause, Repair Resolution Date, Suspended Well

Request By
  • licence number
  • OR Company name and location details (one of all of Alberta, legal land description, area scan, or field centre)
  • OR all companies in Alberta and Submission Due Year (choose one year from 2001 to current) and optionally location details (legal land description, area, or field centre)

Individual Products

By Company PDF, XLS, CSV $33.00
By legal land description or licence number PDF, XLS, CSV $11.00
All Companies in Alberta PDF, XLS, CSV $229.00