Information pertaining to pipelines regulated by the AER and that operate solely within the province’s boundaries. Pipelines that cross provincial or federal borders are regulated by the National Energy Board. For information related to pipeline applications, please see Applications. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer.
Pipeline Performance Report
- Frequency of Publication
- Annual
- Description
This report includes all pipeline incidents that must be reported to the AER, including gasket, seals, packing glands or threaded fittings (GSPT) releases, installation leaks, hits, leaks, and ruptures; pressure test failures are excluded. Incidents related to pipelines regulated by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) are included. Not all incidents reported involve the release of product.
Tableau report attributes: Pipeline Incident Metric 10 Year Trend (number of incidents and pipeline inventory and incident ratio); incident details by licensee for pipeline incidents occurring annually since 2015 details include incident number, release volumes, release substance category, and consequence rating; definitions, terminology, and consequence rating criteria.
Excel report attributes: Provincial 10 Year Trend: calendar year, incident consequence rating, number of incidents, leaks/ruptures, pipeline length, incident ratio; Incidents By Company [YYYY]: year, licensee, total length (km), operating permitted length (km), number of high consequence incidents, number of medium consequence incidents, number of low consequence incidents, total number of incidents, leak and rupture incidents, high consequence ratio, medium consequence ratio, low consequence ratio, total ratio, leak and rupture ratio, OP total ratio, liquid volume released (m^3^); Incident Details: year, licensee, regulator, incident number, incident date time, licence number, pipeline licence substance category, incident location, CIC area, pipeline incident type (pipe damage type), failure type, incident consequence rating, consequence priority Difference Y/N, area affected priority level, environment type priority level, public affected priority level, wildlife livestock priority level, release H~2~S concentration mol/kmol, material, internal protection, outside diameter, type, grade, maximum operating pressure, liquid hydrocarbon volume released, fresh water volume released (m^3^), fresh water volume released (m^3^), liquid refined volume released (m^3^), non-fresh water volume released (m^3^), total liquid volume released (m^3^), **Provincial Incidents (new) **year, incident consequence rating, pipeline substance category , number of leaks and ruptures, **Provincial Inventory 2017 (new) **, regulator, pipeline substance category, material, pipeline length
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