
Information related to well activity regulated by the AER as authorized by various acts of the Province of Alberta and the regulations under those acts. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. For information related to well applications, please see Applications. Petrinex has well lists and production information available to the public.

Orphan Well Association

Frequency of Publication

This product provides a link to the Orphan Well Association website which offers the following two products: Orphan Well Inventory interactive map and Site-Specific Orphan Inventory List (downloadable XLSX file).

Attributes for the interactive Map per Sites undergoing decommissioning are, Sites undergoing reclamation, Closed sites, Sites not yet assigned to a Prime Contractor: Site Name, Category, Licensee, Responsible Department, Responsible Department Date Change, Location Name, Abandonment Consulting Company, Facilities Decommission Consulting Company, Environment Consulting Company, Well Count.

Attributes for the downloadable XLSX file: Site name, Licensee, Responsible Department, Current Project type, Location Type, License Number, From Location, To Location.


Orphan Well Association Website XLS, PDF free self-serve