
Information related to well activity regulated by the AER as authorized by various acts of the Province of Alberta and the regulations under those acts. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. For information related to well applications, please see Applications. Petrinex has well lists and production information available to the public.

Horizontal Drilling and Multistage Fracture Activity

Frequency of Publication

This product is offered as an interactive tableau report or map and represents horizontal wells with multistage fracture completions drilled in Alberta. This product is based on industry submitted data. The tableau report visualizes and categorizes activity trends by production volumes, drilling types, fluid types, geological targets and PSAC areas. For more information please visit Hydraulic Fracturing


Horizontal Drilling and Multistage Fracture Activity (HMSF report under Tableau Report/Activity and Data) Tableau free self-serve
Map of Horizontal Multistage Fracturing Well Activity by Fluid Type 1:3,000,000 (map under Maps,Map Viewers, and Shapefiles/Maps) PDF free self-serve
Map of Horizontal Multi-Stage Fracturing Well Activity by Strat Unit (target geological formation) 1:3,000,000 (map under Maps,Map Viewers, and Shapefiles/Maps) PDF free self-serve