
Information about facilities in Alberta. Facility types include battery, gas plant, meter station, as well as other facility types operating in the province. For information related to facility applications, please see Applications. Some public information is available through the OneStop Public Map Viewer. Petrinex has facility lists and production information available to the public.

Alt-FEMP Proposal

Frequency of Publication
As requested

Section 8.10.6 in Directive 060: Upstream Petroleum Industry Flaring, Incinerating and Venting (Directive 060) enables the submission of Alternative Fugitive Emission Management Program (Alt-FEMP) proposals for review and approval. Approved proposals contain information required by the AER in the Alt-FEMP submission checklist. This information includes, program design, area of coverage, facility coverage, and emission reduction assessments. A summary of existing proposals listed by company and area can be found on our Alternative Fugitive Emission Management Program Approvals page

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Company and Area

Individual Products

Navigate to webpage to see available proposals. PDF $10.00 self-serve